
Manufacturing sector comprises of two sub-sectors viz. Large Scale Manufacturing and Small Scale Manufacturing. Large Scale manufacturing covers the establishments registered under factories Act 1934 or qualifying for registration (having 10 or more employees) including Repair and Service Industries. Small Scale manufacturing covers all such manufacturing establishments not covered in Large Scale manufacturing.

Large Scale Manufacturing

There are two sources of data on large scale manufacturing- Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) and monthly data on manufacturing sectors output. Census data is used to derive benchmark estimates after every five years. The latest CMI  for 2005-06 was conducted by Former FBS, in collaboration with Provincial Directorates of Industries and Bureaus of Statistics.

CMI measures production and structural changes of large-scale manufacturing industries (LSMI). It provides data on values of inputs and outputs, census value added, contribution to GDP, fixed assets, stocks, employment and employment cost and industrial taxes. It takes into account new industrial developments and captures new industrial products and establishments. It is used to develop new weights for Quantum Index of Manufacturing.

Questionnaire CMI 2015/16